Homework Policy
Homework counts as 1/3 of the final grade.
SGTS has a homework policy allowing students to submit work by the Sunday following the Thursday due date. For example: class is on 8/18/2023, homework is due 8/24/2023, the cut-off date is 8/27/2023. Barring extreme circumstances, this policy needs to be strictly followed. Therefore, the cutoff date is set for homework in each class. Homework quizzes will not be available after that date.
Homework not completed on Moodle by the cutoff date will receive a grade of zero unless due to extreme circumstances. Please notify the instructors as soon as possible. This policy replaces any previous policy.
Students may miss 6 class nights per semester and still pass the course.
Three points will be deducted for each absence.
Students are allowed 1 (ONE) excused absence (NO POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM GRADE) for ministry work in which the student is the primary participant for preaching, singing, or music.
Students will be excused (NO POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM GRADE) for a death in the immediate family; or for a hospital stay for the student, child, or elderly parent.
However, students will not be awarded perfect attendance unless no classes are actually missed.
The seminary weather policy is:
- If there are warnings and curfews, follow safety regulations.
- If individual situations make it necessary or safer to stay in place, students will not be marked absent - even if classes are not canceled.
- Do what is best when the time comes. Be Safe!