Recommended Reading for Students in the Survey Classes
- Manners and Customs of Bible Times:
- J. I. Packer and M. C. Tenney, ISBN: 07852-5042-5
- Fred Wight, ISBN: 0-913367-29-X
- Matthew Henry Commentary (full version or concise)
- Warren Wiersbe (He has a commentary and a series of books called "The Be..." series which cover all of Paul's epistles. He also covers some of the other epistles. Most can be found on Amazon in hardback, paperback, and Kindle versions. Christian Book Distributors also have print and electronic versions.)
The 2022 Fall Semester will cover Matthew through Philippians. Any of these resources will be beneficial in the study of this portion of the Bible. The textbook will be What the Bible Is All About Handbook. First, and best, read the Scriptures!